Hive Hideaway is . . .

just a business

nothing special


a fun way to experience bees up-close & enjoy everything bee related!

What We Do

Hive Hideaway beekeepers harvesting honey

Hive Hideaway focuses on making fun ways for people like you to enjoy, while also naturally supporting the bees. Providing benefits that directly contribute to the Earth and its ecosystem once purchased allows us to make not only humanity happy, but you too!

Achieving this goal has been a difficult process, but as we keep growing we understand the fundamental beauty of nature and how people respond to nature. By starting Hive Hideaway, we not only shared our bees with Hawaii, but with the world, too.

Who We Are

We started Hive Hideaway as a four-man project. Four people currently live on 17 acres of land in Pahoa, Hawaii, and worked together to form what Hive Hideaway is now. A family, along with a property caretaker, live on this property of land and take care of hives, bees, and everything relating to bees. We deeply care about nature, the ecosystem, and the biodiversity effect that bees (and other pollinators) have on nature.